================================= :mod:`~domdf_python_tools.typing` ================================= Various type annotation aids. .. module:: domdf_python_tools.typing Type Hints ------------ .. autosummary2:: ~domdf_python_tools.typing.PathLike ~domdf_python_tools.typing.PathType ~domdf_python_tools.typing.AnyNumber ~domdf_python_tools.typing.WrapperDescriptorType, The type of methods of some built-in data types and base classes. ~domdf_python_tools.typing.MethodWrapperType, The type of *bound* methods of some built-in data types and base classes. ~domdf_python_tools.typing.MethodDescriptorType, The type of methods of some built-in data types. ~domdf_python_tools.typing.ClassMethodDescriptorType, The type of *unbound* class methods of some built-in data types. .. autogenericalias:: PathLike .. autotypevar:: PathType .. autogenericalias:: AnyNumber .. data:: WrapperDescriptorType The type of methods of some built-in data types and base classes, such as :meth:`object.__init__` or :meth:`object.__lt__`. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 .. data:: MethodWrapperType The type of *bound* methods of some built-in data types and base classes. For example, it is the type of :code:`object().__str__`. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 .. data:: MethodDescriptorType The type of methods of some built-in data types, such as :meth:`str.join`. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 .. data:: ClassMethodDescriptorType The type of *unbound* class methods of some built-in data types, such as ``dict.__dict__['fromkeys']``. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 Protocols ------------ .. autosummary:: ~domdf_python_tools.typing.JsonLibrary ~domdf_python_tools.typing.HasHead ~domdf_python_tools.typing.String ~domdf_python_tools.typing.FrameOrSeries ~domdf_python_tools.typing.SupportsIndex ~domdf_python_tools.typing.SupportsLessThan ~domdf_python_tools.typing.SupportsLessEqual ~domdf_python_tools.typing.SupportsGreaterThan ~domdf_python_tools.typing.SupportsGreaterEqual .. autoprotocol:: JsonLibrary .. autoprotocol:: HasHead .. autoprotocol:: String .. autoprotocol:: FrameOrSeries .. autoprotocol:: SupportsIndex .. autoprotocol:: SupportsLessThan .. autoprotocol:: SupportsLessEqual .. autoprotocol:: SupportsGreaterThan .. autoprotocol:: SupportsGreaterEqual .. latex:clearpage:: Utility Functions --------------------- .. autofunction:: check_membership